How To Make Gomasio At Home - Chef Cynthia Louise
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If you haven’t tried gomasio (also spelt as gomashio) before you are going to LOVE this.  I want to show you How To Make Gomasio At Home.

It’s a simple, delightful moment of a full flavoured seasoning that’s so easy to make it’s ridiculous. Yes, sir-re-bob-Easy!!!

It’s just made of two ingredients – sesame seed and salt.

These two very simple ingredients that marry together with the perfect balance of flavour.

Like most things though, there is an art to how you make it. My friend Chef Jelena gave me some awesome tips that I’m passing on to you below.

Chef’s Tips On How To Make Gomasio At Home

  • 16 tbs Sesame seeds (you can even use black sesame seeds if you want to, the choice is yours!)
  • 1tbs Good quality mineral salt like Himalayan Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
  • Suribachi (a Japanese mortar and pestle) or any mortar or pestle is fine!
  • They are so worth having in your kitchen to mix and grind herbs and spices.

Here’s Chef Jelena’s tips … “ya gotta roast the salt first, Chef.  
It’s not so good for kidneys, it dehydrates them

  • She toasts the salt first in a pan for a few minutes, stirring constantly, then removes it. She then adds the sesame seeds to the pan and constantly tosses them, not taking her eye of them throughout the 3-5 minutes. By the time the seeds are a light golden brown the kitchen has been filled with the most amazing aroma.
  • Then comes the fun part – grinding the two together. We do this in a suribachi (a Japanese mortar and pestle).
  • Store the mix in a glass jar and keep in the fridge. Sprinkle over rice, steamed vegetables, salads or anything that wants a bit of extra seasoning and flavour on.

How simple and good is that? 
Now you know How To Make Gomasio At Home!

Love, Chef xx

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About the Author

Chef Cynthia Louise is an Internationally acclaimed MasterChef, speaker, author, restaurant consultant, teacher and television presenter in wholefood, dairy-free cooking. She also has the worlds first online cooking classes focused on dairy-free plant-based whole foods with recipes that people are raving about and changing people's health, one delicious bite at a time. Chef Cynthia loves nothing more than educating people about the simplicity and vitality of a plant-based, whole foods lifestyle. Each dish is like art on a plate and her flavour combinations nourish the soul and get everyone talking.

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