The Secret To Creating A Truly Healthy Relationship With Food - Chef Cynthia Louise
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I’m a Chef, but I also like to write and talk a LOT about food philosophy, specifically how to create a healthy relationship with food.  Why?  Because it matters!  You aren’t just what you eat, but you are the thoughts associated around what and how you eat! #TrueStory

We get all sorts of ideas in our head about food and eating that we don’t even realise,  like a lot of people associate organic wholefoods with being alternative or hippy.

But making friends with whole real food is no longer a phenomenon associated with hippy culture of the past, nor is it about the next “wellness diets”.

I call all of this “Mind Food” and it has a massive impact on creating a healthy relationship with food. So we’re gonna talk more about it right here, right now.

I love the NOW!

Making Friends With Whole Food

Here’s a story for ya! It’s about my experience in the mindsets that affect us.

Making friends with whole real food is a transition from the inside out. The art of this matter is way more than eating a organic salad or a green juice, it’s not just about replacing your brown seeded bread from the supermarket to Essene bread. Thats a great start, but the question I ask is this,

“Do like the taste and feel of a bread like Essene bread that weighs in at 1kg a loaf??

Do I?”

That question alone is empowering!

I suggest to tune into the emotions of the how you are showing up to food…  I always like to say “don’t make a decision on a temporary emotion”. You gotta really love and be turned in with your food. When we eat wholefood from nature as it was intended, it has a deeper impact that we can even conceptualise. Wholefood, coming direct from nature, and nourishing YOU the human being, who is also from nature. You see, it’s an alignment of you receiving the highest form of nutrition, through allowing natural wholefoods to nourish you. It’s like nature’s jigsaw puzzle, all the right pieces coming together.

Which Food MindSet Are You In?

If you’re new to me, and you’ve come across this piece of writing, I welcome you to this place of learning and listening to your ‘internal teacher’, without the influence of any industry association that tells us what we should or shouldn’t eat.

To the already converted smoothie makers, kale eaters and nut soaking activists. I ask you this question…

How intense have your food choices become?

e.g How picky are you these days?

Would you go to a non organic cafe with your family, parents or new friends for breakfast?

Would you be at peace in your mind with eating some non organic eggs, greens, sauted mushrooms and some non sprouted activated bread while you wash it down with a non golden turmeric latte?

And to those that are reading this who are in the middle, feeling slightly confused between the trends. If you are at a crossroads, stuck with the information the wellness industry brings to one’s life along with its changing trends, that contradict each other from one minute to the next like the swing from raw vegan to bone broth and paleo?

I encourage you to look past all the diets and trendy fads  that are “the” way to being a pure clean eater, and all the nutritional scientist and wellness warriors,  and instead I encourage you to look and feel your own inner guidance.

Ok so the point is, to all you guys in the three groups I have described above. I know you all well, well enough to ease the struggle of the mind, and allow you to truly see how all three become “MINDFOOD”… Junk!!  With all the stress, all the confusion!

Be mindful that consuming these ideas have a massive impact on your health.

The Secret To Creating A Truly Healthy Relationship With Food

First I would like to say that I am a expert on eating. Yep! I’ve been doing it for 46 years and I can say I know what I am doing. I have passed the test and am certified in the relationship between myself and food. So I am qualified to speak about it.  😉

The first time I ate food (I can’t remember the age) but I remember that feeling of being simply HUNGRY. And the gift in being a certified eater is this….. I eat because I am hungry, no more than that.

It’s truly that simple and honest. Opening your mind and changing your lifestyle does matter, the quest to find the balance continues and the facts are now clear as science has become more and more in one with nature.

If you are eating because of a trend, because you should, or because of anything else, then you are eating thoughts and not just food.

YOU the eater, must understand the “Junk-Food’ is not just “Fast-Food” or Processed Food” it’s our minds that contaminate the present moment of our entire organs that get smashed by thoughts and feelings. Because as the greats write before us, “Where thoughts go, energy flows”.

And as the time, days, months, years pass and I continue eating, I have finally found what I feel great doing, is simply choosing and eating food that I feel attracted to satisfies me. Make food with love and eat it with Joy. And truly be aware of the emotions around how you feel.

Much love

Chef xo

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About the Author

Chef Cynthia Louise is an Internationally acclaimed MasterChef, speaker, author, restaurant consultant, teacher and television presenter in wholefood, dairy-free cooking. She also has the worlds first online cooking classes focused on dairy-free plant-based whole foods with recipes that people are raving about and changing people's health, one delicious bite at a time. Chef Cynthia loves nothing more than educating people about the simplicity and vitality of a plant-based, whole foods lifestyle. Each dish is like art on a plate and her flavour combinations nourish the soul and get everyone talking.